Issues in journalism: Mainstream VS Social Media
Citizen Journalism.- Roles that citizens play in the news gathering.
- Reporting, analysis and dissemination.
- Has come to involve social media.
- Changed the nature of how we read/consume news.
e.g - The 7/7 attacks
> Adam Stacey took selfies of the people being evacuated which he then sent to a friend who put it up on a blog.
e.g - Death of Neda Aghal Sultan (2009)
> The death was recorded and spread.
e.g - Mobile witnessing: Black lives matter movement.
e.g - Paris attacks 2015
> Video taken by le monde journalist.
e.g - Arab uprising (2011)
> Key to symbiosis relations between mainstream media and social media.
Ethical considerations
- Invasion of privacy.
- Airing graphic videos goes against public broadcasters definition of good taste and decency.
- Some argue that such footage is dehumanizing to victims.
- Terrorist propaganda.
Pros and cons of relying on UGC
- Gives journalist authority.
- Acts as a witness to the truth.
- Poor technical quality.
- May be edited.
Issues of dependence on social media in covering news.
- Is it authentic footage.
- Channel may not mention that the content is not verifiable.
- Unspecified footage.
- Dependency on accounts.
Social media in the newsroom.
Why social media is useful.
- Smart phones changing shape and speed of news.
- Email, Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp etc.. - all sources of news.
- Trending hashtags can alert journalists of breaking stories.
- Platform to broadcast news.
- Opportunity audience interaction.
"False information spreads just like accurate information" - (Farida vis, Sneffield university research.)
Verifying news and pictures
- Journalists must take steps to check the source of the story.
- Google image search - helps to show false images.
- Verification includes checking who took the pictures, if they own copyright and whether broadcaster has permission to use them.
- Check, check and check again.
Social Media - A Platform for sharing.
- News habits are changing
- Fewer people sit down to watch or listen to the news - social media makes individual stories more accessible.
- Instant audience feedback - everyone has an opinion.
- News organisations - monitoring audience engagement, likes, comments and shares.
5 points to take away
- Social media = increasingly part of journalists toolkit.
- There are great resources for monitoring content.
- Check users' social history, profiles etc.
- Social media takes your story to a different audience.
- What does the future of news look like.
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