Friday, 19 June 2015

What is wrong with the internet?

This article talks about how privacy has overtaken peoples lifestyles, it talks about the life spheres individuals have to face, such as parents making sure their child is safe online from a young age. Therefore the government surveillance states that the government intervenes in our privacy to keep individuals safe from things like terror attacks. The article also states how people allow locations to be shared and therefore this invaded their privacy. Also by adding your social networking sights on private or keeping them off, giving viewers a choice on whether to see their pictures, statues, locations which invades their privacy significantly, as people can view what the person has done, where they have been and with whom. 

Social networking sites can gather lots of information on a particular user and build up a profile about them simply through them liking things such as specific pages. Also students can be spied upon for silly things such as homework which is a serious invasion of privacy.

I think it is wrong for us to be 'looked at' as we should all have privacy and should be able to make sure that we can maintain this privacy by keeping our information, photos, messages private as people would feel uncomfortable with the fact that their messages are being read over. however it is important to acknowledge the fact that there are many good reasons behind this, as its promoting the safety of individuals by tracking down issues such as terrorism or any illegal activity that may take place on the internet; such as cyber bullying.

I think it is a small price to pay for using the internet as if you are not using the internet for illegal activites than you should have nothing to worry about but only the government and other significantly important organisations should be able to access this information.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Internet changes.

1.     Communication
Communication has changed significantly because people now communicate with internet connections or internet data. Examples of the types of communications people now use are facebook, whatsapp, skype, facetime, snapchat etc.  People used to usually communicate with their mobile phones by communication with calls, however now people use texts more than calls. Also people now also communicate around the world by using the internet, for example whatsapp and skype.
Nature of information
Nature of information has also changed as there is lots of information provided on the internet. Now people hardly use books to get information as they can search it online and get online books as well as important information.  You can also buy books online such as kindle; some people also usually download it illegally.
3.       Online safety
Online safety has evolved therefore online safety is more effective as teenagers and adults are more aware of it. Also parents can now block certain websites from their child viewing it such as pornography. Also there are many products such as Norton which prevents viruses from entering the device.
4.       Privacy
There are many new ways in which people can have their privacy such as having password protected apps to protect things such as pictures, chats and other things. Chat history can be cleared for people to have their privacy. Also apps such as whatsapp, instagram and twitter have settings to decide who can view your profile which is a way to have more privacy.
5.       Copyright
Copy right has changed as before people could easily record and film movies in the cinema and it is harder to publish stuff without consent as it is seen as plagiarism. 
6.       Business
Business has changed as you can advertise slot more on websites and social networks to get your message across to the people globally with simple and quick access.
7.       Culture
You can research and investigate different into different cultures via a variety of search engines, e.g. Google.
8.       Community

Community is more diverse there are more ethnic origins in the communiyu than there was in the 1940s as internet guivesa clear insight to different cultures,.